

Architectural Metals:

Metal cladding in stainless steel, brass, bronze or aluminum can be custom designed and fabricated to suit a variety of architectural applications. Shaped metal handrails, column covers, security desks, balustrades and fascia are some examples of cladding applications.


In terms of handicap access, this refers to an enclosure system that has minimal or no bottom track and openings that are wheelchair-accessible.

Bent Glass:

The ability to bend or shape glass that meets required safety standards and provides an attractive solution for staircases, railings, shower stalls, solariums and display cases.


A door that folds in the middle, usually having one end in a fixed position while the other runs along a guide track.

Buttress (Tile Rise):

The raised portion of a shower curb that is on more than one level.


A door consisting of two or more panels that run in parallel tracks.

Carved Glass:

A very artistic form of sandblasting that creates a multi-dimensional effect through the varying depth of the design pattern.

Centre Line:

Imaginary line that will split the thickness of the glass being used.

Clear Glass:

Glass that is transparent.

Continuous Hinge Door:

A shower door that has a full-length continuous metal hinge on the side of the door.


A raised edge or border of a shower, usually made of tile, marble or fiberglass.

Curved Glass:

Glass that has been specially formed to fit into a circular floor plan.

Custom Enclosure:

An enclosure that requires specially cut glass and framework.

Drip Channel (Drip Trough):

A metal channel that is designed to prevent water running down the door from dripping onto the floor when the door is opened.

Etched Glass:

Glass that has had a pattern cut into its surface, usually by an acid treatment.

Fixed Panels:

The glass or plastic panels of an enclosure that do not move.

Flat Etching:

The process of sandblasting the surface of the glass or mirror.


A bath enclosure system that mounts all glass or plastic panels in a metal frame.


A bath enclosure system that minimizes the amount of metal used to hold the system panels and door in place.

Heavy Glass:

Glass used in many European-style frameless enclosures. Usually 3/8-inch or 1/2-inch in thickness.

Hinge Door:

A shower door that usually has a jointed metal hinge on the side of the door.

In-Line Panels:

Fixed panels that are "in a line" with the shower door.

Laminated Glass:

Glass that has been made by uniting layers of glass in order to increase the strength of the glass.

Magnetic Latch:

A latch that holds the door shut through the use of magnets.


A shower that consists of a centre door with a fixed panel at an angle on either side of the door.

Obscure Glass:

Glass that lets light through, but is not totally transparent.

Out Of Level:

Refers to the horizontal plane. It applies to the curb, threshold, sill, floor, ceiling or tub deck.

Out Of Plumb:

Refers to the vertical plane. This applies to walls, step-ups or buttresses.

Outside Dimension:

The outer edge of an existing enclosure as it sits on the sill.

Patterned Glass:

Glass that has a repeating shape embedded in the glass.

Pivot Door:

A shower door that rotates on two metal pivots on the top and bottom of the door.


A technique for applying paint to aluminum shower door frames. The aluminum is covered with a powder of dry paint particles and is baked in an oven. This causes the powder to melt and harden into a tough, colourful finish.

Reflective Glass:

Glass that bounces back at least some of the light that strikes it.

Return Panels:

Fixed panels that are set at a 90° angle to the shower door.


Permanently sealed glass that prevents mineral deposits such as lime and calcium from building up and staining the glass. Keeps glass looking like new with a minimal amount of cleaning.

Silk-Screened Glass:

Glass that has graphic images silk-screened on the surface to give the illusion of etched, textured or patterned glass.

Sliding Panels:

The moving panels in a bypass door.

Steam Bath:

An enclosure that is equipped with special plumbing to create steam. The enclosure itself either runs from the floor to the ceiling or has a top (Transom Panel) to contain the steam.

Tempered Glass:

Glass that has been annealed or strengthened by a process of gradually heating and cooling. Once a piece of glass has been tempered it cannot be cut. If it breaks, it breaks into many small pieces. By code, all glass shower doors and enclosures must use tempered glass.

Textured Glass:

Glass that has been made with a texture on its surface that creates a translucent effect.

Tile Rise (Buttress):

The raised portion of a shower curb that is on more than one level.

Tinted Glass:

Glass that has a color running through it.

Transom Panel:

A panel usually located above the door of an enclosure. Can be used to keep steam inside of a steam-shower unit. Some open to vent steam.


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