Hydroslide Bi-Fold Hinges add a different element to the already popular Hydroslide System.

Instead of a standard sliding door, you can now "Bi-Fold" two sliding panels of glass into the shower enclosure, creating a larger opening than the single sliding door will allow.

Made of solid brass the Hydroslide Bi-Fold Hinges require holes in the glass.

Hydroslide Bi-Fold Shower Door Kits were designed for full standing showers.

Fits width up to 48" maximum or 100lbs

Excellent Design for Compact Areas
Clean, Sleek Lines

Available in Four Stock Finishes:
Chrome, Brushed Nickel, Oil Rubbed Bronze, Brass

Glass: 5/16" and 3/8"

Catalog Number:
  • HYDH180


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