Entrance to the ice glass hotel
Entrance to the ice hotel
Entrance to the ice glass hotel |
And the hotel appeared in 1989. Then, in Yukkasjärvi, regular courses on the manufacture of ice sculptures were held. They built a snow shelter to store art objects, but housing was not enough for all trainees. Then they decided to give them sleeping bags, told how to avoid frostbite, and placed them in a snowy house. Suddenly, I really liked this experience. Since then, every winter a hotel is built here. Huge walls and arches of steel are erected, they are covered with snow, which becomes icy rooms and corridors. Ice is cut from a frozen river near the town and proceed to the design of the interior and rooms. Then, designers, architects, and artists come, among them competition is held and the best become the creators of a new miracle.
Entrance to the ice glass hotel |
Today, the hotel simultaneously hosts more than one hundred guests. The hotel restaurant serves authentic Lapland food, all products from wild forests, lakes, and rivers of the region. And this is venison, fish roe, beluga, cloudberry, and blueberry. The most accessible entertainment for visitors is the carving of ice sculptures under the guidance of an experienced craftsman. You can also go on reindeer sledding to the tundra or the coast of the Arctic Ocean, dine in the Lapland plague, admire the Northern Lights, get acquainted with the life of the local Sami people, go in for ice fishing and much more.
You cannot come to the ice hotel twice. At the end of April, he gradually loses its shape and returns to the river with meltwater. But next year he will get his new look, which is completely different from the previous one.
It’s not difficult to bring at least part of the ice tale into your daily life. Indeed, visually glass is very similar to ice. Just select and order what you prefer from the catalog of glass products. You can also learn about the most durable form of glass - triplex in detail.
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